📬 The Backlog

📬 The Backlog is Thomas van Zuijlen's weekly newsletter on practical agility, with annotated articles on Scrum, facilitation, collaboration, and (product) development.

09 January 2023

📬 The Backlog #193

Why you should give that project your full… 85 per cent, how to capture the empiricism at the root of Scrum without being annoying, and where to take your next teambuilding to forge meaningful connections.

  1. Some excellent advice that’s still hard to take: Sumeet Moghe’s very well-documented article, You don’t need Slack. You need slack. is a plea for not giving it 100%. For the sake of getting results.

    “There’s enough science to suggest that pausing, even letting your mind wander, helps you solve problems creatively. This won’t happen by accident. Definitely not in a distributed world, where Zoom meetings, chat messages and emails fly thick and fast. You must make time for this pause; for your minds, individual and collective, to wander.”

  2. Everyone and their uncle has a hot take on Scrum. It’s exhausting. But once every so often, someone’s hot take still results in an article that covers so many basics in such an open, respectful way, that it’s worth bookmarking.

    Keep Willem-Jan Ageling’s newsletter issue handy somewhere; his Does Scrum hold up to scrutiny? Chapter 1 - The purpose of Scrum and empiricism is great material for that one team member with misgivings and/or their colleague with an extra interest in feedback loops.

  3. Nice: Saskia Vermeer makes a strong case for putting yourself out there for your colleagues to see, in a short article about a recent team-building activity. In Making connections through vulnerability she pauses and ponders the potential of skipping a round of bowling in favour of something that requires a little more courage. (And a mic.)

You do you (and Scrum on, too),
Thomas van Zuijlen